After a couple months, I called up my knitter friends. "I need to start knitting."
Them: "OK." So we meet up once a week at a coffee shop to knit.
My daughter Rose joined us since she was knitting in gradeschool with Geri (the master). Rose had a few requirements, being the cool teenager in the bunch. We were not a club, but a gang. We are the K-Gang with a symbol of two crossed knitting needles as our "gang" sign. Us adults get an enormous amount of mirth out of being corrected every time we say knitting club. Rose said it definitely was not cool she was knitting on Sundays with a bunch of women. But secretly, I know she loves it. These women are all her aunties... not related by blood, but I just about have a blood oath that if something happens to me they need to step in.
Anyway, after my required scarf as a first project, Geri sent me on to do a hat. Everyone told me DO NOT TWIST when doing to circle for the hat. Yeah, yeah, so I was careful. See the above? It took me a while to figure out there is no magic I can do do untwist that. The sad thing is that it took me 5 rip outs to get that far. I would like you to take note of the lovely knitting. I think the other